The Tummy Tub –how to calm that crying baby!

Admittedly, my nephew was happy before he got stripped for his bath.  But like most infants (he is one month old), he doesn’t like to be naked and doesn’t like “normal” baths.  A lot of babies hate the bath and why wouldn’t they?  It’s cold and miserable.  But look at how blissed out Denny becomes when he gets into the Tummy Tub.  He goes from crying to calm to literally asleep in just a couple of minutes.  The idea behind the tub is that it mimics the womb.   This tub has been through four kids (Henry, Sylvie, Leo, Finn) and now it’s Denny’s turn.

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If you want one, don’t order the silly pink or blue stand they sell with them — totally unnecessary.  They are kind of hard to find in stock, but this store seems to have them.

And a reader told me there’s a similar product called a washPOD that you can get for half the price — definitely worth a try.